Downloading Mandelbrot Explorer


Mandelbrot Explorer is Freeware. You can install and use it for free. If you enjoy using it, please consider making a donation to help us cover costs.

A few software sites have wrongly said it is “ad-supported”. There are no in-app ads. The only revenue is from donations, and a tiny commission if you choose to order merchandise featuring images you have drawn.

File Size and Pre-requisites

The setup program is 2.09 MB in size. Mandelbrot Explorer needs Microsoft Windows (XP or more recent), and the .NET Framework version 4.0. See Installation Issues for how to obtain this.

Installation Issues

SmartScreenWe have a separate webpage offering help with any installation issues. Please read there if you have questions about Windows XP, the .NET Framework, or if Windows “SmartScreen” tells you it's blocked Mandelbrot Explorer in order to protect your computer.

Download Link

The current version is 3.4, released on 7th December 2016. Download directly from our own website: here.

Download Now!

Download partners

We used to offer other download links from various software download sites. Unfortunately, most of those alter the installer to bundle unwanted programs with it. We've reached out to them, but for now only one site distributes our unaltered installer.

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